Sci-fi image of women in red hair playing deep space chess. There is a large purple crystal in board center

My Journey from Chess Novice to Creating ‘Deep Space Chess’ – A Fusion of Tradition and Innovation

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I like many am part of a new wave of chess players who owes rediscovering chess to Netflix’s Queen’s Gambit. The mentions of “Openings” and “Pawn Structure” teased my interest and made me think there must be more to chess than I realized. I quickly began playing on my phone using & apps. The UX and Timers really opened my eyes to a new “way to chess.” A game of chess did not have to be 1hr+ slog. You could play fast and wild with 10min, 5min, even 1min per side matches!

Space Chess Title Graphic with Team Score Display

After some humbling streaks of losses I started to “study” chess at a deeper level. I loved the ideas of memorizing chess openings, controlling the center, and material value of pieces. Don’t get me wrong I am still a terrible chess player and I didn’t study that much after those first couple months but I did fall in love with the game!

After my initial studies of chess basics I thought: “Why do I have to research/study the fundamentals of chess?” Could I create a game that brings many basic ideas of chess strategy and tactics to the surface? Combined with those questions and my urge to fuse chess with modern strategy games is where the idea of Deep Space Robot Chess was born.

Space Chess Main Features Graphic Text